Adobe are running a series of education sessions in Canberra on optimising PDF documents for accessibility. These sessions have been designed specifically for Australian Public Servants (APS). We are very keen to build PDF authoring skills across the APS, so, if you are a member of the APS and are responsible for authoring content or providing public information on Australian Government websites, these sessions are for you.
As government agencies are obliged to make all online information accessible and authors are responsible for ensuring their documents are accessible to everyone, it’s important people understand how to do this properly. Our recent study into the Portable Document Format highlighted the need for better education around the creation of more accessible PDF documents.
The sessions will help designers, web developers, and content authors make more accessible PDF documents, and will review the capabilities of PDF authoring tools. Come and listen to Andrew Kirkpatrick, Group Product Manager at Adobe Systems, who will provide you with the most up-to-date information on PDF Accessibility.
The education sessions will be run on 2nd and 3rd March at the National Museum of Australia, in Canberra.
Register online to secure your place.
Update: The slides from the presentations are available on the Web Guide PDF Accessibility page.